Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hockey pucks, Lizards, and a snake....

You're probably wondering what do those have to do with each other, nothing, except I had to photograph both this weekend. Two games this weekend for the Manchester Monarchs. New seats right down in front, behind the bench.

Then today I had to take some photos of a birthday party which involved snakes, lizards, and turtles. Kids loved it! One of the parents...not so much. He stayed in the other room haha.

Until next time, check out my facebook page for updates! Ashley Drew Photography

Sunday, June 10, 2012

So I have been working on a few projects lately. Trying to get the husband to update the website for me. Have to get it transferred to a new server. I recently shot a wedding. Monarchs season is over so I am not shooting any hockey right now. I've been working at getting a pricing sheet together and a specials chart as well. Hoping that I can start getting things up and going by next year. . I know, I have been slacking. So check out the updated pictures I have on the website. If you're interested in booking a photo session with me please contact me and let me know what you would like. So keep checking back soon as I will be adding new stuff soon.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Had a photo session with some old friends of mine I went to high school with, they had me take anniversary photos for them. They have a cool tradition that they do every year, she wears the top to her wedding dress which was made in to a corset and he wears his jacket from the wedding. The pictures came out good. I have happy to be able to take part in this tradition for them.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

40 years later

I was recently given the privilege of photographing and witnessing a 40 year reunion. It was truly amazing how a class after 40 years can get together and still remember and talk about things that happened in high school so many years ago. These people rekindle old friendships once lost due to going separate ways. They remembered all the good times they had together and spent the evening making more memories to remember. I can only hope that when it comes time for my class reunion in 40 years that it will be as good as this one was.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Beautiful Bride

My recent wedding I did went really well. The bride was beautiful. I hope to have my website updated soon, just a matter of getting my husband to do it. Until then I will update you with photos from my blog. Take care! ~Ashley~

Friday, September 4, 2009

Busy Summer

So its been a while since my first update on here. I've been busy this summer with two weddings, two beautiful brides. They went great. I went to Raleigh, North Carolina for vacation and managed to get my husband to stop at the botanical garden they have at university. Got a lot a great shots there. I will be posting them soon. I am saving up for a new lens for my camera. Can't wait for it, so I can actually start getting better Macro shots. We purchased a new Mac! Which is amazing! I am transitioning all my photos onto it and am not working off that for my photography, so much better then a little laptop. Well that's about it for now, until I get some more news. Keep an eye on my site, I should have all the new photos up soon.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Welcome to my Website!

So it only took five years but here it is; the amazing website built by my husband Dave (HTML/CSS/PHP coding), with a little bit of help from his co-worker Jason (design). This website is meant to give you a digital window into my world and what projects I'm currently working on. Photography is a very important part of my life, and that's why I decided it was time to get a website up there to get the word out...

Have camera, will travel.

The biggest and most important part of this website is my portfolio. There you will find samples of my work, conveniently broken into several photo galleries of the people, things and places I most enjoy capturing on film. Another destination is the about page where you will find a bio that tells a little bit about my life, my experience and my inspirations. The page you're curently on is the blog, which I will be using to provide updates on my latest projects and photo shoots. And last, but certainly not least, I have a contact form for getting in touch with me if you have any questions or comments.

I hope that you enjoy my new website and appreciate the pictures and words that I'll be sharing. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the best photographs are the ones that leave you speechless.

Thanks for reading!